The Self Talk of Hinduism

  1. Describe ways in which you feel like Arjuna.                                                                                                          There are plenty of times I do take care of my responsibilities. Whether it be mowing, homework, or working out, I still usually have to get it done. When I get it done, I am always happy that the task is done.
  2. How could you specifically apply the message of the Bhagavad Gita?                                                             I could apply it by doing things that I don’t want to do, but by doing so maybe getting a positive outcome.
  3. How would the ancient Indian perspective of the Bhagavad Gita be VERY different than the 21st Century American perspective of doing one’s duty?                                                                                             They thought that their duty would have a more meaning purpose. In America we always care about the benefit we receive for ourselves.
  4. Now, venture back to ancient India. Think of a way the Bhagavad Gita could be used as a tool of oppression?                                                                                                                                                                    Leaders could force civilians to do whatever they want because it would be “doing their duty”.

One Reply to “The Self Talk of Hinduism”

  1. Leaders could force civilians to do whatever they want because it would be “doing their duty”.


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